Common Qlink Wireless Issues, Causes & More

Overview of Qlink Wireless

Qlink Wireless is a wireless service provider that offers free and discounted phones and plans to eligible low-income consumers. The service runs on the 4G LTE network of T-Mobile [1]. Qlink offers two main plans:

The Lifeline plan is part of the FCC’s Lifeline government assistance program and provides eligible low-income customers with a free smartphone and 350 monthly minutes, 1GB of data, and unlimited texts. There is no activation fee for Lifeline customers [2].

Qlink also offers discounted no-contract plans starting at $20/month for unlimited talk and text plus 1GB of data. Additional data can be added on for extra cost. These plans are available to anyone regardless of income status.

Qlink Wireless has nationwide coverage through T-Mobile’s network, which reaches over 310 million people in the United States. However, coverage may be more limited in rural areas.

Most Common Qlink Issues

Qlink Wireless customers frequently report several common issues with the service. These include problems with dropped calls, slow data speeds, billing errors, and activation failures.

Dropped Calls

Dropped calls are one of the top complaints about Qlink Wireless service. There are several potential causes of dropped calls on Qlink phones:1

  • Weak cellular signal – If you are in an area with poor coverage, calls are more likely to drop.
  • Network congestion – When the network is overloaded with traffic, calls may fail to connect properly.
  • Damaged phone – Physical damage like cracked screens can disrupt signal reception.
  • Outdated phone software – Failing to update can cause incompatibilities leading to dropped calls.

To reduce dropped calls, move to an area with better signal strength, update your phone’s software, or contact Qlink support to troubleshoot other potential issues.2

Causes of Dropped Calls

There are a few common reasons you may experience dropped calls on your Qlink Wireless service:

Low signal strength – If your phone doesn’t have strong reception in your area, calls can easily get dropped. This is a bigger issue in rural locations or areas far from cell towers. Make sure to check your signal strength in the service area. Moving closer to a window or going outside can sometimes help.

Network congestion – During times of peak network usage, like rush hour or major events, networks can get overloaded with traffic. This can lead to an increase in dropped calls as the system struggles to handle the volume. The issue may be localized to a specific cell tower or sector. Try avoiding using your phone in these high traffic times.

Phone compatibility issues – Some older phones may have compatibility problems with newer networks or technologies like VoLTE that can lead to dropped calls. Make sure your device is optimized for use on the Qlink network. Consider upgrading to a newer phone if you are having chronic issues.

According to posts on Reddit (source), some customers have experienced frequent dropped calls on Qlink that lead to frustration. Testing your phone in different locations and troubleshooting the potential causes can help minimize disruptions.

Fixes for Dropped Calls

There are a few troubleshooting steps you can try if you are experiencing a high number of dropped calls on your QLink Wireless phone:

Update your preferred roaming list – Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Network and tap on Network Operators to view available networks. Select the option to choose your preferred roaming partners. This will help your phone connect to the strongest signal.

Toggle airplane mode on and off – Turn on airplane mode for 30 seconds, then turn it off. This forces the phone to re-establish connection to the network which can resolve temporary connection issues.

Reset network settings – Go to Settings > General > Reset and choose Reset Network Settings. This will wipe all network settings and force the phone to freshly reconnect. You may need to re-enter WiFi passwords after this reset. [1]

If the above steps do not resolve dropped calls, you may need to contact QLink customer support for further troubleshooting. Consistent call drops could indicate a need for a replacement SIM card or other network-level fixes.

Reasons for Slow Data

There are a few common reasons why you may experience slow data speeds on Qlink Wireless:

Congested tower – If there are a lot of users connected to the same cell tower as you, it can cause network congestion and slow down speeds. This often happens in densely populated areas or at major events where many people are using their phones at once (1).

Throttling due to data caps – Qlink Wireless may implement data throttling (slowing down your speeds) once you reach your monthly data allotment as a way to manage network congestion (2). This is common among prepaid and budget wireless carriers.

Old phone model – Using an older phone that doesn’t support the latest network technology can result in slower data speeds. Newer phones are optimized for the network and have better connectivity. Upgrading to a newer device may help increase speeds (3).




Improving Slow Data Speeds

There are a few options for improving slow data speeds on Qlink Wireless:

First, contact Qlink customer support. They may be able to troubleshoot the issue or provide tips specific to your device and location (Qlink Wireless).

Upgrading to a newer phone that is compatible with faster networks like 4G LTE or 5G can also boost speeds. Older phones may be limited to slower 3G networks (APN Mostly).

Using WiFi whenever available instead of mobile data can help avoid slow speeds. Connect your phone to reliable high-speed WiFi at home, work, or public hotspots (Reddit).

Be sure to restart your device periodically, as this can refresh the network connection. Check for software updates as well, since they may improve performance.

Common Billing Errors

One of the most reported issues with Qlink Wireless is problems with billing. Many customers have complained about incorrect charges showing up on their bill or being charged for services they didn’t sign up for. According to posts on Reddit, some of the most common Qlink billing errors include:

Duplicate charges – Customers have reported being double-billed for the same month of service. This results in unexpected charges and difficulty getting the extra amounts refunded. Always review your bill carefully each month to catch any duplicate charges.

Incorrect plan rates – Some customers have been charged at a higher monthly rate than the plan they signed up for. For example, being charged the unlimited plan price when enrolled in the limited data plan. Contact Qlink customer service to get any incorrect plan rates fixed.

Unrecognized fees – Mystery fees for unexplained charges sometimes show up on bills. These could be activation fees, equipment charges, or other random add-ons without the customer’s consent. Scrutinize each monthly bill and get any unrecognized fees removed.

If you notice billing errors on your Qlink Wireless statement, contact their customer support right away to dispute the charges and request corrected billing. Be prepared to explain the discrepancy clearly and provide any documentation that shows the billing mistake. Persistence usually pays off to get unfair Qlink Wireless charges reversed.

To avoid billing issues in the future, opt for paperless billing and review statements each month through your online account portal. Enable text or email alerts for all account activity so unauthorized charges can be caught early.




Fixing Billing Errors

Review your monthly statements closely for any discrepancies or unclear charges. Look for multiple charges for the same service, incorrect plan rates, or any other errors. Keep an eye out for small overcharges that can add up over time.

If you spot an error, contact Qlink Wireless customer support right away to dispute the charge. You can reach their support team by phone at 1-855-754-6543 or through their online help center. Provide details on the specific error and ask them to remove the incorrect billing.

If customer support is unable to resolve the issue, submit a formal billing dispute. To start the dispute process, file a complaint with the FCC at You’ll need to provide your account information, the date of the error, and documentation supporting your dispute. This will launch an investigation into the disputed charges.

With diligence, you can get any erroneous Qlink Wireless charges removed. Review your bills thoroughly each month and act quickly if any problems arise. Reach out to customer service or file a formal complaint if needed to correct the issue.

Activation Failures

One of the most common issues with QLink Wireless is activation failures. This occurs when the SIM card is not properly activated on the network or the phone’s IMEI is not correctly registered. Porting issues from previous carriers can also prevent activation.

If the SIM card is not activated, you will likely see an error message stating “SIM card invalid.” This usually happens if the SIM was not activated properly on the QLink network before being shipped. According to a Reddit user, they received a new QLink SIM that displayed this error message and would not activate properly (source).

Another cause of activation failures is if the phone’s IMEI was not registered correctly with QLink. When you sign up for service, you must provide the IMEI number of the phone you plan to use. If this number is entered wrong or not updated if you switch devices, you may get activation errors. A JustAnswer QLink technician says this is a common activation issue they troubleshoot (source).

Finally, porting your previous number over from another carrier can sometimes cause activation problems if the port does not complete properly. This seems especially common when porting a number from a VoIP provider. The QLink network may reject the port request, preventing activation.

Troubleshooting Activation

If you are having trouble activating your QLink Wireless phone, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

First, confirm that your SIM card is active by calling QLink customer support. They can check the status of your SIM and make sure it is ready for activation.

You’ll also want to verify that the IMEI number of your phone matches what QLink has on file. You can find your phone’s IMEI usually by dialing *#06# on your phone’s dial pad. Provide this number to QLink support so they can match it on their end.

Finally, retry the activation steps. Refer to QLink’s activation instructions and go through the steps again carefully. Make sure you are entering the correct activation codes provided to you. If it still fails, contact QLink support for further troubleshooting assistance.

As one QLink customer reported, “Having trouble activating my QLink wireless phone. But I’m not where I will be using the phone once setup. No matter what I try it fails during activation.” They were able to get it resolved after confirming the SIM status and IMEI with QLink support (source).

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